Elena’s Services

I don’t believe in a “one-size-fits-all” approach. I will create a custom solution designed specifically for your unique needs and business situation. Schedule a free consult with me today to discuss the best way for me to support you in reaching your financial goals.



Services and Specialties

Finance Coaching

Finance Coaching

Elena will audit your current beliefs around money and discover the deep blocks and habits that are holding you back. Her passionate coaching will allow you to overcome these imiting beliefs so that you can set yourself free and live an abundant, fulfilled life.

Full Bookkeeping

Create more time to focus your energy on your business rather than getting buried in the tedious daily accounting. Elena takes bookkeeping off your hands to ensure you are focusing your genius on growing your business. This includes full personal and business bookkeeping to make sure all expenses are accounted for and that you maximize your tax savings

Short & Long Term Financial Strategy

Elena will complete a full assessment of your finances. She will dig into what is and is not working, which payment processes are in place, discover the missing pieces to make your business personal financial life run smoothly and any blocks that are keeping you from reaching your goals. She will then lay out both short and long term plans that will be the roadmap to your booming financial success.

Personal and Business Money Assessment

Personal and business lives tend to overlap. Elena’s empathy and dedication to client’s haness promises that both lives will flourish. Map out where you currently are in relation to your immediate, short term and long term goals in regards to finances, taxes and wealth cration.

Tax Assessment & Planning

Maximize past and future tax savings with well-developed strategies to permanently save you money. Understand a full assessment of where you are, necessary changes to make and tips for future filing.

Revenue/Cash Flow Forecasting & Projecting

Mapping out your entire year of both personal and business finances is crucial in order to reach your number goals. Learn the specific steps to include on your plan and actions to take to keep money flowing throughout the year.

Debt Reduction

Develop a debt management plan through a full assessment of current debt. Receive a step by step plan of abolishing debt by taking invetory, increasing sales, cutting costs and other debt abolishing tactics.

LLC/S-Corp Strategy

Personal assessment of which legal structure best suits you based on your unique business needs. Work with Elena to develop a thorough plan of when and how to file and opportunities to minimize taxation.

Financial Statements

Accurate financial statements are the key to understanding the health of your business, vital for making crucial business decisions and is proof of your business success for investors, partners, creditors and if selling is in the future.

Custom KPI & Metric Reports

Discover, create and evaluate how effectively your company is achieving its objectives and reaching its targets.

My Money Formula

Elena has developed a powerful program to create more cash flow through endless hours of researching, implementing and analyzing various strategies. She teaches the ins and outs of her Earn, Save, Invest, Tax and Legacy Formula that generates massive profit through increased cash flow.

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